Applying mustard oil to your feet before sleeping has THIS health benefit

First Published Sep 23, 2024, 1:00 PM IST

Discover the benefits of applying warm mustard oil to your feet before bed. This traditional practice can improve sleep, relieve joint pain, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being.

Foot massage

Everyone knows about castor oil. Nowadays, people apply coconut oil to their hair, or use almond oil, rosemary oil, and various other oils. But in the past, almost everyone used to apply only castor oil to their hair. From children to adults, only castor oil was used. Not only for hair, but castor oil was also given to children to reduce stomach problems, and it was used for massaging the stomach and body. Mustard oil was considered an integral part of the kitchen. Primarily, mustard oil was used for preserving pickles. But did you know that this same mustard oil offers unexpected benefits? We should slightly warm mustard oil and massage it on our feet before going to bed. Let's take a look at the benefits our body gets by doing this regularly.

We regularly massage ourselves with oil. Massaging oil on the head relieves stress, helps in hair growth, and promotes good sleep. Similarly, applying mustard oil to the soles of the feet also has many benefits. These days, regardless of age, many people suffer from joint pains, especially knee pain. It is said that such people should massage warm mustard oil on their feet every night. Doing this daily can provide relief from joint pain in a very short time.

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Moreover, people are increasingly experiencing stress due to household chores and office work. For such individuals, massaging mustard oil on their feet at night can be very beneficial. Doing so relieves fatigue, reduces stress, and promotes good sleep. It is considered an excellent remedy for those who have difficulty sleeping at night or suffer from insomnia. Furthermore, this mustard oil can also help you lose weight. It may sound unbelievable, but it's true. If you are trying to lose weight, massage your feet with warm mustard oil every night. Try this consistently for at least a month, and you will notice a difference in your weight

Moreover, women experience periods every month. There is no need to elaborate on the pain they endure during this time. Mustard oil works wonders in providing relief from period pain and cramps. Just massaging with mustard oil is enough. Massaging with this oil can alleviate period pain and cramps. It also helps in reducing PMS symptoms.

Ayurveda also considers mustard oil as a treasure trove of medicinal properties. Massaging not only our feet but also our entire body with this oil improves blood circulation. Good blood circulation leads to better health. If you frequently experience headaches, massage your feet for 5 minutes every night. You can experience the difference within a few weeks. It improves digestion. If you want, you can also massage your face with mustard oil. Doing so removes blemishes from the face and brings a glow to the skin.

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