Adding 1 drop of coconut oil does THIS to your belly button, nostrils, fingertips

First Published Sep 17, 2024, 3:04 PM IST

Discover the amazing benefits of applying coconut oil to your belly button, nostrils, and fingertips. Improve your overall health and well-being naturally.

Ayurveda and Yoga suggest many health tips to keep our body healthy. By following them, we can live a long life without any disease or distress. In that way, you might have heard about oil massage and bath. That is, in this bath, you have to apply oil all over the body and massage it, and then sit in the sun for a while. After that, you have to take a bath. This has been followed by our ancestors for a long time. By doing this, they lived a healthy life without any diseases. But, it is a bit difficult to take a bath like this in today's busy lifestyle. In other words, we take a bath like this only on special occasions like Diwali.

Do you know that in such a situation, apart from oil bath, diseases can be prevented in other ways as well? That is, if you are unable to take an oil bath like this, you can get good benefits by applying oil only on three parts of your body, says a yoga teacher (Navbharat Times news).  Also, applying oil in those places will not cause you any disease. So, let's see here in which three places of the body oil should be applied and the health benefits of using coconut oil. Three places to apply coconut oil on the body: Generally, our ancestors used to apply oil to the navel before going to sleep at night. They used to do the same for children. By doing this, the body gets many benefits. Modern medicine has also proven this to be true. 

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Apart from the navel, the yoga teacher says that it is good to apply oil on the nose and fingers. That is, just as you put 2-3 drops of coconut oil in your navel every night before going to sleep, you should also put 1-2 drops of oil in your nose and fingers every night before going to sleep. Importantly, he says that after applying oil to your fingers, you must massage it for about 5 minutes. Benefits of Coconut Oil: According to experts, coconut oil should be used for oil massage. This is because coconut oil is very pure and contains all the properties and nutrients.

Scientific Benefits of Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is used for everything from cooking to massage and science recognizes these potential benefits. Coconut oil provides us with a variety of benefits. That is, it accelerates fat burning in the body, is a good source of energy, is full of antimicrobial effects, suppresses appetite, is good for skin health, softens and shines hair, improves oral health, reduces the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, is full of antioxidants, reduces bad cholesterol. Benefits of applying coconut oil on the navel: Good for eye health: Since the navel is the center point of all the nerves in our body, applying a drop of oil on the navel before sleeping sharpens eyesight. Especially those who work on computers and laptops, their eyes get dry very quickly. Therefore, it is good to apply oil on the navel to get rid of eye sight loss.

Cools the body: Many of us have the problem of body heat. Due to this, skin diseases often bother them. In such a situation, applying a drop of oil on the navel daily will reduce body heat and keep the skin healthy. Also, blood circulation will be smooth. This will keep the body's organs healthy. Reduces headache:  If you have a headache problem, it will heal quickly if you apply oil on the navel before sleeping at night. This will also reduce the pain in the leg nerves, regulate pancreatic disorders, and strengthen the uterus. Most importantly, you will get a good night's sleep. Benefits of putting coconut oil on nails:  Massaging coconut oil on the nails before sleeping at night helps in healthy nail growth. Apart from this, it improves sleep quality, increases blood circulation, relieves stress, increases energy and relieves leg pain. 

Other oils and their benefits: Coconut oil prevents hair loss and provides relief from menstrual cramps. Almond oil helps in glowing skin and clear complexion. Castor oil helps in increasing sperm count and fertility. Lemon oil helps in removing dark spots and blemishes on the face. Mustard oil helps in improving gut health and treating bloating and constipation. Note: As this post is general, do not try anything without consulting a doctor.

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