6 tips to increase height in children naturally

First Published Sep 16, 2024, 7:30 PM IST

Can you grow taller after 18? Discover the role of genetics, nutrition, and exercise in increasing height. Learn about essential nutrients, supplements, and effective exercises to maximize your growth potential.

Some children grow taller with age. But even now, some children remain stunted. Such children face humiliation at every step. Family members, neighbors, school friends, relatives, everyone teases them for being stunted. This affects children psychologically.

That is, if someone in the house is tall, their children will also grow tall. If they are stunted, they will be stunted. There is a possibility that children may be genetically stunted. Generally, children grow 2 inches every year from 1 year of age to puberty. By the age of 18, they grow by 4%. After that, growth slows down or stops completely. After these 18 years, the doubt arises in the minds of many whether the height of children can be increased. But if you follow some tips, you can definitely increase your height by a few inches. Let's find out how.

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Proper nutrition, healthy lifestyle:

The food we eat affects not only health but also height. If you want your children to grow tall, you need to feed them the right nutritious food. Their lifestyle should be kept healthy. These will help increase their height. What do experts say?: It is very difficult to increase height after 18 years. Children grow taller at a young age.

However, experts say that if you follow proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, you can increase your height even after the age of 18. A balanced diet along with calcium, vitamin D, protein, and regular exercise will increase your height.


Calcium is very important to keep bones strong. It helps increase your height. So include milk, green vegetables, and dairy products in your daily diet. Vitamin D: Along with calcium, vitamin D also helps in strengthening bones.  Your body gets the vitamin D it needs from sunlight. For this, you should sit in the sun for 15-20 minutes every morning. Eat eggs, fish, and grains.


Protein plays an important role in muscle growth. So you should include meat, beans, and pulses in your daily diet. This will help increase your height.


The food you eat should definitely contain vitamins and minerals. These help keep you healthy and increase your height. But many times the food you eat may not contain the nutrients your body needs. So include supplements in your diet to meet your body's needs. Supplements like synthetic HGH, vitamin D, or calcium can help increase your height by a few inches.

Zinc deficiency:

Zinc is an essential nutrient for our body. If it is low in your body, you will not grow tall. Zinc is abundant in seeds, legumes, and grains. By consuming these, your children will definitely grow taller. Take care to stay hydrated: Water is very important for our body. It helps in the growth of cells. Keeps the body strong. So drink 2-3 liters of water daily. Make sure your body doesn't get dehydrated.


Exercise has many benefits for our body. Increasing your height is one of them. If you exercise regularly, you will not only be healthy but your muscles and bones will become strong. Keeps your weight under control. If you are physically active from a young age, you will definitely grow taller. Exercises like strength training, yoga, jumping rope can help increase height by a few inches.

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