5 SHOCKING facts about condoms we bet you didn't know!

First Published Sep 10, 2024, 11:39 AM IST

Condoms can't fully protect you: Condoms do not prevent sexually transmitted infections (STDs) or pregnancy 100% of the time. Doctors emphasize that the only way to completely avoid pregnancy and STDs is to abstain from unprotected intercourse.

Condoms are one of the most widely used methods to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Many people use it to avoid pregnancy and other contagious diseases. Condoms prevent direct contact with bodily fluids and skin that transmit infections during intercourse.

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However, while condoms significantly reduce the risk of many STIs, they are not 100% effective in preventing all infections, doctors say. Let's find out such shocking facts related to condoms. **Incomplete protection with condoms** Condoms only cover the penis. Other areas of the genital area are not completely covered. So many STIs like herpes, human papillomavirus (HPV), syphilis can be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact in these areas. Therefore, there is still a risk of contracting infections even with condom use.

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**Condom breakage or slippage** Condoms sometimes break or slip off during intercourse. This removes the protection they provide. The main reasons for this are improper use, not leaving enough space at the tip, or using oils or lubricants even with rubber condoms, which can cause condoms to break.


**Fungal infections** Condoms can reduce the transmission of fungal infections by limiting contact, but they do not provide complete protection. Fungal infections, such as yeast infections, can affect areas that the condom barrier provides, allowing transmission even when a condom is used.

It is very important for sexually active people, especially those in relationships with multiple partners, to get tested frequently. Regular testing helps to detect and treat STIs early. This is because STDs are usually not detected without testing. Maintaining personal hygiene is essential in reducing the risk of infections. It is important to wash the genital area before and after sexual activity and to avoid sharing personal items such as towels or underwear. Reducing the number of sexual partners significantly reduces the risk of contracting STIs. Vaccines are available for certain STIs such as HPV, hepatitis B. Getting vaccinated provides protection against these infections. Reduces the risk of problems.

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