Tollywood actress Madhumita Sarkar seems to be sporting a new avatar every day. The Tollywood actress has a great fashion sense and is liked by many people in the fashion industry.
Recently, the actress posted one of her sizzling hot pictures on social media. Madhumita’s fans were amazed by her picture. The actress also posted throwback pictures of her flat abs.
The thin crop top that she wore left everyone dumbstruck. While people were excited with her picture, another good news was shared by her on social media. Madhumita’s Instagram account now has a blue sign next to her name, indicating that her profile is verified.
After sharing the happy news with fans, Madhumita’s Instagram comments section has been filling up with good wishes.
Actress Madhumita Sarkar's Instagram Gallery is no less than that of a fashion influencer. Sometimes she is seen wearing a sari, and sometimes an oversized top with shorts. Everything is a fashion game for Madhumita.
This time, the Tollywood actress took the fusion approach. She wore a black tube top (innerwear) above jeans. A scarf was placed above the top. In this new style of Madhumita, hotness and fashion seem to be fused together.
A few days ago, Madhumita was seen wearing a black beach kimono. The biking top and the shorts were seen peeping out of the black kimono. All these spicy and sizzling pictures of Madhumita are becoming viral in social media on a daily basis.