Dates, or khajur, have made their way to being called health foods in recent times. Because of their naturally sweet taste, they are considered as nature's candy. Not only are they delicious but come packed with a huge range of health benefits.
According to the book, Healing Foods by DK Publishing, immunity-boosting dates are high in potassium, supply slow-release sugars, and provide a range of other essential nutrients as well. For example, they are a good source of fibre, protein, minerals including magnesium, manganese, selenium, and zinc.
While they are celebrated as a healthy food, do they help lose weight? Most experts may not be in favour of it as dates have high sugar content that may only make you gain weight. Is it so? Let's find out. Here are some reasons that make dates a superfood for weight loss:
Dates are high in dietary fibre content. Fibre may help you feel fuller for longer as it adds bulk to your diet and delays the digestion process. So, eating dates will help you load up on enough fibre.
Dates contain high unsaturated fatty acid content, which helps in reducing inflammation. Inflammation has long been linked to obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes, et al. Unhealthy food consumption and a sedentary lifestyle can up the risk of increased inflammation, thereby, increasing the chances of weight gain.
Dates are also a rich source of protein. Proteins are tough to digest, and the transition time in the large intestine is longer, which makes you feel fuller for longer.
Dates can help satiate your sweet tooth cravings. They are naturally sweet; therefore, you can enjoy a few dates and toss away sugary foods to lose weight efficiently.
Any food, if eaten in abundance, could be fattening. While dates may help you lose weight, they can also make you gain some pounds, considering they are high in calories and sugar. So, eating only a few of them can be helpful in shedding kilos.