With a few days left for the film’s release, Bollywood actors Akshay Kumar, Kriti Sanon and Jacqueline Fernandez have geared up for the promotions of their film upcoming comedy-thriller film ‘Bachchhan Paandey’. Whether on television shows, events or social media, the makers of the film are leaving no stone unturned for the film’s promotions. And on Sunday, they carried out a roadshow of sorts with the three lead actors of the film – Akshay along with his two ladies, Kriti and Jackie.
Akshay Kumar was quite in the get up of his character ‘Bachchhan Paandey’. He wore a loose grey-coloured shirt over blue denim jeans. On top of it, he wore an olive green jacket. Akshay wore rudraksha and some gold chains along with the classic aviators and a bandana that is typical to his character.
However, it was Kriti Sanon who looked the prettiest during the promotional event. She wore an ink clue coloured crop top and broad pants with her hair nicely tied in a ponytail. Kriti’s tube crop top had a straight cut with a ‘v’ cut at the centre.
This simple yet chic look that has a retro vibe to it, made Kriti Sanon look sultry in her appearance, raising the temperature of the city.