The Indian Idol 12 episode of 'Kishore Kumar's specials did not go down well with the viewers, and they trolled the judges and contestants mercilessly. Similarly, the singers on Amit Kumar said he did not enjoy the show and wanted to stop it midway.
In the last week's episode, the contestant and judges paid tribute to legendary singer Kishore Kumar. They sang 100 songs of the singer over two episodes, and the makers invited his son and singer-composer Amit Kumar as a special guest.
However, the viewers got upset with the degraded quality of the episode and complained that Neha Kakkar, Himesh Reshammiya, Anu Malik and even contestants ruined Kishore Kumar's songs.
Amit Kumar also agreed with the netizens and said that he too didn't enjoy how the show's creators decided to pay tribute to his father.
In a recent interview with The Times Of India, Kumar said, " I wanted to stop the episode." He added that he was asked to praise every contestant irrespective of how they performed. He was asked to uplift and praise all the contestant because it was a tribute episode, and he just followed what he was asked to do. "I had told them to give me portions of the scripts in advance, but nothing of that sort happened," Kumar said.
Twitter users also trolled Neha Kakkar, Anu Malik and Himesh for awfully ruining the songs of the legendary singer.