Kareena Kapoor, Ranbir Kapoor and Karan Johar are known as ‘gossip girls’ of Bollywood. Yes, many celebs have confirmed it. In an interview, Ananya Panday said, “Kareena Kapoor, Karan Johar and Ranbir Kapoor. That’s what people say, right, that they know everything. So, I think these three can be like the gossip girls.”
But Kareena has always kept silent on the topic of her brother Ranbir Kapoor's past girlfriends. She has always given an honest opinion on his girls. Let us look at Kareena's opinion and thought on Ranbir's girlfriends.
We all know Alia Bhatt is a fan of Kareena Kapoor. In many interviews, she had openly stated it, and Kareena is also generous towards Alia.
Talking to Rajeev Masand, Kareena had said, "Look what she is doing, the choices of films that she has done, whether it is 'Raazi' or 'Gully Boy', I think it is outstanding. It reminds me a little bit of when I did films like 'Chameli', 'Yuva' and 'Omkara', but I think she is just a brilliant actor."
Alia has always maintained that Kareena has been her motivation ever since she has wanted to get into the film industry.
Bebo's relationship with Deepika Padukone was not so lovey-dovey like Alia Bhatt. There was a time when most of the roles rejected by Kareena went to Deepika and turned out to be blockbusters.
Also, many reports suggested that Bebo was insecure when Deepika was cast opposite Saif Ali Khan in many films like Aarakshan, Love Aaj Kal, Cocktail.
Kareena once spills beans about Katrina Kaif and Ranbir Kapoor onKoffee with Karan. When she was asked with whom would she like to have a gay encounter with, Kareena had said, "I would be more comfortable with my sister-in-law, so I say Katrina Kaif."
Kareena had further said, "I've got my lehenga ready and I'm rehearsing the steps to Sheila ki jawani and Chikni chameli (Katrina's popular songs)." While Kareena never adored Katrina, it was apparent that she liked Katrina from the start.
Katrina has also appreciated Kareena saying, "I would really like to work with Kareena. I think she is really spontaneous, very dear and very beautiful."