Veteran actress Rekha has been linked up with many actors over these past decades, including Amitabh Bachchan, Jeetendra, Akshay Kumar. But, did you know that she has a secret relationship with her female secretary cum manager Farzana?
Well, when Yaseer Usman penned down about her life, he mentioned a few unknown facts. Among which, it is Farzana, the secretary who is only permitted inside her bedroom and not even any domestic help.
Farzana has been with Rekha over three decades and has seen her life through thick and thin. Farzana can be spotted in a pant-suit behind Rekha everywhere she goes, even in award shows.
Farzana monitors every minute of Rekha's life. From appointment calls to choreograph schedules. It is said that it is because of Farzana, Rekha's husband Mukesh committed suicide.
According to reports by Malavika Sanghvi, a famous journalist, Farzana, is perfect for Rekha. Though Rekha claims her to be a soul sister, some even say that she plays a man's role in Rekha's life.According to a book written by Mohandeep,it is claimed thatRekha isin a live-in relationship with Farzana.