Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan welcomed their second son on February 21st morning around 4.45 am. Bebo was admitted to Breach Candy Hospital and at 4:45 am, she delivered the baby via a c-section.
Grandfather Randhir Kapoor told a leading daily that the baby looks like his big brother, Taimur Ali Khan. Randhir told ETimes, "Mujhe toh saare bachche ek jaise lagte hain."
He also added, "Well, they were all saying there that he looks like his elder brother Taimur."
Currently, Taimur is staying with his auntKarisma Kapoor.
Randhir earlier told The Times Of India, "Oh! He's delighted. He is very happy about having a little brother. In fact, even Saif is excited. He is very happy, so is my daughter, and I just bless them all from the core of my heart."