Angrezi Medium actress Radhika Madan gained fame after her debut in a television show Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi, which broadcasted on Colors TV. Radhika Madan is also recognised for her role in the movie Pataakha and the film Mard Ko Dard Nahi Hota. She won numerous awards including Best Debut Female at Screen Awards.
Radhika Madan was born in the year 1995 in Delhi. And now the actress is 25 years old. Radhika Madan also has a brother Arjun Madan. Daughter of businessman Sujit Madan and artist Neeru Madan, Radhika Madan is based out of Delhi. She completed her education from Delhi Public School in New Delhi. And graduated from Jesus and Mary College, University of Delhi.
According to a report in Republic World, as of 2020, Radhika Madan's net worth is a whopping $1 million. Although her latest release Angrezi Medium which released on March 13 had a poor start because of coronavirus outbreak, it has received good reviews from celebs, trade analysts and the audience.
The movie Angrezi Medium's story revolves around the powerful bond between a father and his daughter and how a father can go beyond his limit to help his child achieve her dreams.
Presently Radhika Madan is on cloud nine as she received appreciation from Bollywood Shahenshah Amitabh Bachchan. For any actress, recognition from the legendary actor is nothing less than an award.