Malayalam actor Aparna P Nair was found dead at her residence in Thiruvananthapuram on Thursday (Aug 31) evening. She has acted in several Malayalam films and television serials like Chandanamazha and Atmasakhi.
Actress Aparna P. Nair, who appeared in numerous Malayalam films and television shows, was found dead at her home in Karamana Thali. The body has been moved to a private hospital mortuary. She was 31.
Aparna was found hanging at her home around 7 pm on Thursday (Aug 31). Later, her body was shifted to PRS hospital. Local authorities have registered a case of unnatural death and police have also launched an investigation into her death.
Aparna P Nair's career:
The actress appeared in several Malayalam films including Meghatheertham" (2009), "Mudhugauv" (2016), "Mythily Veendum Varunnu" (2017), "Achayans" (2017), "Neeranjana Pookkal" (2017), "Devasparsham" (2018), "Pen Masala" (2018), "Kodathi Samaksham Balan Vakeel" (2019), "British Bungalow" (2019), "Nalla Vishesham" (2019), "Kalki" (2019), and "Kadalu Paranja Kadha" (2022).
Aparna also was noted for her roles in television serials like 'Chandanamazha' and 'Atmasakhi'. She was married to Sanjith and the couple has two daughters, Thraya and Krithika.
Her last Instagram post:
She posted a moving photo montage video of her younger daughter on Instagram only hours before her death. A calming lullaby that evoked feelings of love and affection played in the background of the video. She added the caption, "My Unni, playful little one," to the picture.