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Did Selena Gomez QUIT TikTok? Is Kylie Jenner and Hailey Bieber the reason? Read this

By Vrinda MundaraFirst Published Feb 24, 2023, 1:55 PM IST

Selena Gomez announced she is quitting TikTok amid the drama surrounding her, Kylie Jenner, and Hailey Bieber, who happens to be global icon Justin Bieber's wife.

The globally loved singer Selena Gomez recently took to Twitter and shared a video announcing her decision. In a video shared on Twitter, Selena says, "I am happy. I am so blessed. I have the best friends and the best fans in the whole world. I just cannot be happier. I am good. I love who I am and do not care. I am big. I do not care. I love who I am. And yeah, I am taking a second from social media. Because this is a little silly."

She added, "And I am 30. I am too old for this. But I love you guys so much. And I will see you guys sooner than later. I am gonna take a break from everything."

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Lately, there have been more than one instance when Selena Gomez has made headlines because of social media. Recently, a video featuring Hailey Bieber surfaced on social media. In the video, the model was acting to gag at the mention of Taylor Swift on Drop The Mic, which happens to be Hailey Bieber former rap battle show with Method Man. 

Selena took to the comments section. Coming to the defense of her BFF Taylor Swift, she wrote, "So sorry, my best friend is and continues to be one of the best in the game." Before this, Selena dropped an I love you on a video that termed Kylie Jenner and Hailey Bieber as nepo babies. She added that they both acted like Mean Girls.

Selena Gomez reaction came into the picture after fans blamed Hailey and Kylie Jenner for making fun of the Lose You to Love Me singer's eyebrows on Instagram. However, Jenner slammed these claims and wrote, "This is reaching. No shade towards Selena ever. I did not see her eyebrow posts! u guys are making something out of nothing. It is silly." Selena replied to her comment as she wrote, "Agreed @kyliejenner. It is all unnecessary. I am a fan of Kylie!."

Earlier, the actress and singer slammed trolls who commented on her weight gain and said that it is because of the kidney transplant surgery she underwent for Lupus treatment and extremely important Lupus medications that made her gain weight.

In a recent interview with a global entertainment magazine, she explained that she let her assistants handle her social media accounts because she did not want to be affected by the negativity online. She further revealed that only social media app she had on her phone was TikTok, as she found TikTok to be a little less hostile. 

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