Amaal Maalik, a Bollywood singer and music composer, left the netizens shocked with his Instagram post talking about his depression and decision to cut ties with family for his healing.
Bollywood musician, Amaal Malik has deleted his post about announcing his conscious decision to cut ties with his family. He posted another story on Instagram stating. He clarified that his decision to cut ties with family is not from anger or an impulsive act but a conscious decision taken with a lot of thought and considerations. He also requested media to support him and not harass his family for his decision.
"Thank you for the love and support; it truly means a lot, but I would request the media portals not to harass my family. Please don't sensationalize and give negative headlines to my vulnerability... It's a request. It's taken a lot for me to open up, & it is a very tough time for me... I will always love my family, but for now, from afar. Nothing changes between us brothers; Armaan and I are one, and nothing can come between us. Love & Peace,"
In Amaal Malik's previous post, he said, "I've reached a point where I can no longer keep silent about the pain I've endured. For years, I've been made to feel like I am less despite spending days and nights toiling away to make a safe life for people. Cancelled every dream of mine to only find myself being spoken down to and questioning what I've ever done. I have spent my blood, sweat & tears to create each of the 126 melodies that have been released over the last decade.
He announced his decision on social media. "Today, with a heavy heart, I announce that I am stepping away from these personal ties. From now on, my interactions with my family will be strictly professional. This isn't a decision made in anger but one born from the necessity to heal and reclaim my life. I refuse to let the past rob me of my future any longer. I am committed to rebuilding my life, piece by piece, with honesty and strength."
He also encouraged people to address mental health-related signs and issues before it's too late and speak up for themselves whenever it is necessary.