ICSI CS June exam 2022: Admit cards to be released soon, learn to download

Candidates can follow the official website of ICSI for more information. 

Institute of Company Secretaries of India will soon release the ICSI CS June exam admit cards. Candidates who wish to appear for the CS Executive & Professional Programme Examinations can now download their admit card from the official website of ICSI, icsi.edu. 

The Executive and Professional examinations will be held at various exam centres across the country from June 1 to June 10, 2022. The CS Foundation exam will take place on June 15 and 16, 2022. Candidates who wish to take the examination can obtain their admit card by following the simple steps outlined below.

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Here's how to download the ICSI CS June exam admit cards
1) Go to the official site of ICSI, icsi.edu.
2) On the homepage, click on the latest updated link
3) On a new page, click on the ICSI CS June exam admit cards link.
4) Key in the login details and submit
5) The admit card will be on the screen
6) Check the details on the admit card and download it
7) Take a printout for further need.

Students taking the June 2022 session exams have been advised to carefully read all the details and information on their admit cards.

The ICSI CS Executive and Professional Admit Card will contain information about the candidates and the exams. The ICSI CS Executive and Professional Admit Card 2022 is a required document for students taking the Executive and Professional Exams. Therefore, when downloading the ICSI CS Executive and Professional Admit Card 2022, candidates must ensure that they go over all the details and information on the admit card.

Candidates can follow the official website of ICSI for more information. 

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