World News

Israel-Hamas agree to ceasefire for polio vaccination in Gaza

10 months of Israel-Hamas war

The Israel-Hamas war, which has been going on for 10 months, will now be stopped temporarily.

Ceasefire in Gaza for vaccination

Gaza reported its first polio case on August 23, leading to a three-day ceasefire in various areas to administer polio vaccines to children.

640,000 children to be vaccinated

According to reports, a total of 640,000 children in Gaza will be vaccinated against polio. The vaccination drive will begin on September 1.

9-hour ceasefire for vaccination

According to reports from Israel, there will be a ceasefire from 6 am to 3 pm during the vaccine campaign.

Three-day ceasefire in each area

The World Health Organization stated that the vaccination drive will start in Central Gaza, followed by South Gaza, with a 3-day ceasefire in each location.

Ceasefire may be extended if needed

After complete vaccination in these areas, the fighting will be stopped in North Gaza to administer the polio vaccine to children. The ceasefire can be extended further if needed.

Hamas attack started the war

The Hamas-Israel war began on October 7, 2023, when Hamas first infiltrated Israel, taking 250 people hostage and killing 1,300.

60% of Gaza's buildings destroyed

In retaliation, Israeli forces dropped so many bombs on Gaza that more than 60 percent of the buildings there have been reduced to rubble.

Over 40,000 deaths in Gaza

More than 40,000 people have died in Gaza so far in the Israeli attack, while more than 90,000 have been injured. The number of women and children among the injured is the highest.

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