
How to handle a wet iPhone?

Apple has debunked a common myth about the best method to dry out wet devices. Contrary to popular belief, Apple advises against placing wet iPhones in uncooked rice for drying.

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How to handle a wet iPhone?

Despite its widespread use, the company warns that this technique of using uncooked rice to dry out wet iPhones can potentially damage the device.

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How to handle a wet iPhone?

Instead, Apple recommends a different approach to salvage phones that have come into contact with liquid.

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Liquid Detected Alert

When an iPhone displays a 'Liquid Detected' warning on the screen, Apple advises against attempting to charge the device until both the phone and charging cable are completely dry.

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Liquid Detected Alert

Charging while wet can lead to corrosion of the connector pins and permanent damage.

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Proper Drying Procedure

Apple recommends gently tapping the phone against the hand with the charging port facing down to allow excess liquid to drain.

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Proper Drying Procedure

Subsequently, users should leave the iPhone in a dry area with airflow for at least 30 minutes.

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Reconnection and Alerts

Upon reconnecting the device to a power adapter, an alert will indicate if any liquid remains within the phone. Apple says complete drying may take up to 24 hours.

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Avoid External Heat

To prevent further damage, users are advised to refrain from using external heat sources or compressed air to dry the iPhone. 

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Avoid External Objects

Inserting cotton swabs or other objects into the connector port is discouraged.

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