If you know you have a big holiday meal coming up, plan your other meals for the day to be lighter and healthier. This way, you can balance out your overall calorie intake.
Maintain your exercise routine or find ways to stay active during the holidays. Schedule workouts, go for walks, or engage in physical activities that you enjoy.
Pay attention to portion sizes and make conscious choices about what you're eating. Enjoy holiday treats in moderation and savor each bite rather than mindlessly indulging.
Instead of sampling every dessert or treat available, pick your favorites and savor them. This way, you can enjoy the holiday foods you love without overdoing it.
Avoiding meals before a holiday feast might contribute to overeating. Instead, have a healthy meal before the event to prevent being hungry and overindulging.
The holidays can be stressful, and stress eating is common. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as meditation or spending time with loved ones, to prevent emotional eating.
Sometimes our bodies mistake thirst for hunger. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. It can help you feel fuller and might prevent unnecessary snacking.