
Top 10 Most Expensive Foods in the World

Almas Caviar

Almas caviar is considered the most expensive caviar in the world, priced at Rs 28.74 lakh per kg. It is obtained from ovaries of the albino sturgeon fish in Iran's Caspian Sea.

Yubari King Melon

Yubari King melon is a Japanese melon, known for its sweetness. It costs $23,000, or Rs 19,26,169.

Bluefin Tuna

Bluefin tuna is considered one of the most expensive fish in the world. Its price is close to $3,603, or Rs 3,01,738. This fish has been sold for lakhs of rupees in auctions.


Kashmiri saffron is also considered one of the most expensive spices in the world, harvested from the crocus flower. Its price is up to Rs 1.7 lakh per kg.

Ayam Cemani Chicken

Ayam Cemani is a chicken from Indonesia, which is completely black and has more qualities than normal chicken. It sells for more than Rs 2 lakh per kg.

White Truffles

White truffle is a rare truffle found in Italy, known for its aroma and taste. The price of 1 kg of it is more than two and a half thousand dollars, i.e. more than Rs 2 lakh.

Matsutake Mushroom

Matsutake mushroom, called the king of mushrooms, is commonly found in cedar forests of Asia, Europe and North America. The price of this mushroom is $600 i.e. Rs 50000 per kg.

Manuka Honey

Manuka honey is found in New Zealand and coastal Australia from the Manuka bush, which is known for its health benefits. It is sold for Rs 41000 per kg.

Iberico Ham

This is a premium cured ham from Spain, obtained from pigs of the Iberian breed. There is a long process of making this ham which costs around Rs 32000 per kg.

Kopi Luwak Coffee

It is one of the rarest and most expensive coffees in the world, prepared from the droppings of the civet cat. Its price is Rs 20-25,000 per kg.

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