Pazhankanji: Benefits, recipe of preparing Kerala's superfood
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Traditional Kerala dish
Pazhankanji, a traditional Kerala dish made from fermented rice, is packed with essential nutrients like carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, providing a wholesome meal.
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Benefits :
The watery consistency of pazhankanji helps in maintaining hydration levels, making it an ideal meal option during hot weather or after physical activity.
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Recipe to make pazhankanji:
Soak Rice:
Soak the left over boiled rice in water for about 6-8 hours or overnight. This allows the rice to soften.
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Prepare Ingredients:
The next morning, prepare the additional ingredients. Crunch shallots and bird’s eye chillies to add a spicy kick to the rice gruel.
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Combine Ingredients:
Once the rice has fermented overnight, add the crunchy shallots and bird’s eye chillies to the rice gruel.
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Serve the pazhankanji cold for breakfast or lunch. Accompany it with your favorite pickles or chutney to complement the flavors.