
Moon: 7 fascinating lunar facts which will leave you Moonstruck

Discover Moon's secrets: Moonquakes, maria, Apollo relics, extreme temps, water ice, tidal locking, impact craters intrigue us all

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Lunar maria

The dark, flat regions on the Moon's surface. These areas were once thought to be oceans, but they are actually ancient volcanic plains formed by lava flows billions of years ago

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The Moon experiences seismic activity, known as moonquakes, caused by the gravitational interactions between Earth and Moon, and the cooling and contracting of the Moon's interior

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Lunar Water Ice

Water ice has been discovered at its poles, especially within permanently shadowed craters which are shielded from the Sun's direct rays and are cold enough to trap water molecules

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Impact Craters

These craters were formed by the impacts of asteroids, comets, and other celestial bodies over billions of years. The South Pole-Aitken Basin, the largest spans over 2,500 kms

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Footprints and Artifacts

The Apollo missions left behind artifacts on surface, including footprints, equipment, and lunar rovers. As there is no atmosphere, these items remain remarkably preserved

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Extreme Temperatures

The Moon experiences extreme temperature variations due to its lack of atmosphere. Temperatures can reach up to 127 degrees Celsius while at night, they can be -173 degrees Celsius 

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Tidal Locking

The Moon is tidally locked to Earth, meaning it always shows the same face to our planet, because the gravitational forces have caused rotational and orbital periods to synchronize

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