
Mars to Pluto: 8 places that has water other than Earth

Water is a crucial molecule for life as we know it, and it exists in various forms beyond Earth in our solar system. Mars to Pluto are 7 places where water has been found

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Mars has both ice and water vapor in its atmosphere. Water ice exists in polar ice caps and underground as permafrost. Liquid water might exist transiently on the surface

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Europa, Jupiter's moon

Europa is one of Jupiter's moons and is believed to have a subsurface ocean beneath its icy shell. This ocean could potentially harbor life

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Enceladus, Saturn's moon

Enceladus, a moon of Saturn, has geysers that spew water vapor into space, indicating the presence of a subsurface ocean beneath its icy crust

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Ganymede, Jupiter's Moon

Ganymede is the largest moon in the solar system and has a subsurface ocean beneath its icy crust

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Ceres (Dwarf Planet)

Ceres, the largest object in the asteroid belt, has water ice on its surface and possibly a subsurface ocean

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Titan, Saturn's Moon

Titan is known for its lakes and rivers, but they are not filled with water. Instead, they contain liquid methane and ethane due to extremely low temperatures on Titan

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Pluto (Dwarf Planet)

Pluto, although small and distant, has been found to have water ice on its surface. Its atmosphere also contains nitrogen, methane, and other volatile ices

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The Moon has regions near its poles where water ice has been detected, where temperatures are extremely cold. The water ice is believed to be remnants from comets

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