
Maldives to Kiribati: 7 islands that might disappear due to rising sea

Maldives to Kiribati are 7 islands at risk of vanishing due to rising seas. They are grappling with the immediate threat of sea-level rise, the potential loss of unique cultures

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Comprising numerous low-lying coral atolls in the Indian Ocean, the Maldives is highly vulnerable to sea-level rise, with many of its islands at risk of submersion

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Located in the central Pacific, Kiribati faces severe threats from rising sea levels, with some of its atolls already experiencing coastal erosion and saltwater intrusion

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This Pacific nation is prone to extreme weather events, and sea-level rise poses a substantial threat to its coastal communities and their way of life

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Tuvalu, an island nation in the Pacific, is one of the world's most endangered due to rising sea levels, leading to concerns about the displacement of its population

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Solomon Islands

Rising sea levels contribute to land loss and increased coastal vulnerability in the Solomon Islands, affecting local communities and their livelihoods

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Sea-level rise affects Samoa's coastal infrastructure and agriculture, with increased storm surges impacting its resilience to climate change

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Fiji Islands

A Pacific archipelago, faces coastal erosion and saltwater intrusion, threatening agriculture and water resources, and increasing the risk of extreme weather impacts

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