
Lakshadweep: 6 captivating insights into this tropical archipelago

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1. Geographical splendor:

Lakshadweep, translating to "a hundred thousand islands," is an archipelago of 36 coral islands in the Arabian Sea, southwest of India. Only ten of these islands are inhabited.

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2. Cultural diversity:

The islands boast a vibrant culture, including Arab traders, seafaring explorers, and Indian mainland settlers. This cultural blend is reflected in their language and art.

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3. Ecological wonders:

The archipelago is renowned for its biodiversity, featuring diverse marine life, coral reefs, and crystal-clear waters ideal for snorkeling and diving.

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4. Unique administration:

Lakshadweep is India's smallest union territory, and its administration operates under a Chief Administrator appointed by the President of India.

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5. Local cuisine:

The cuisine showcases the essence of coastal flavors with an emphasis on seafood and rice-based dishes. Popular delicacies include Tuna fish curry and banana chips.

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6. Traditional handicrafts:

Skilled artisans craft unique items like coir products, shell artifacts, and intricately woven mats that reflect the cultural heritage of the region.

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