
Here's the hack to making the best poached eggs

One of the best cooking techniques for producing nutritious eggs is poaching. So let's look at some advice for making the ideal poached egg today. 

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Use vinegar, salt

Light-colored vinegar helps to keep the egg white together and salt makes the water more dense, and more of the egg white floats and spreads out evenly. 

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User a deeper pot

A more traditional and spherical shape is produced with deeper pots. The yolk dips first and the white lags behind as the egg falls into the water, making the perfect poached egg.

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Use a Ramekin

When you break your egg in a ramekin, you can be sure that the yolk is intact, that there is no shell inside the egg, and that you can more easily pour the egg in one rapid motion. 

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Don't forget the essential tip

There is one tip that you must not forget after learning the other methods for preparing the best poached eggs. Remember, using the most recent eggs is the most important part. 

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Buy fresh eggs

Always remember, fresh eggs keep their spherical shape better because the whites are harder, less liquidy, and stiffer.

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Get them early morning itself

This implies that you should buy fresh eggs the morning you plan to cook them. 

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