When someone dies, their body is not left alone. Someone always stays near the body. The Garuda Purana explains the reason for this. Find out what that reason is…
According to Garuda Purana, negative energies, i.e., ghosts and spirits, try to take control of a dead body left alone. Therefore, one should never leave a dead body alone.
The deceased's soul also remains around the body. Seeing the family grieve, it tries to re-enter the body. In this situation, it is essential for someone to be near the body.
Leaving a body alone risks insects and other animals approaching it. These insects can harm the body. This is another reason why a dead body is never left alone.
Some people use the hair of the deceased in tantric rituals. Because of this, the deceased's soul does not attain salvation. For this reason, someone should stay near the body.
If a body is kept for a long time, bacteria and viruses start to grow, and flies also start buzzing around. Therefore, the body should be protected.