Black Cats to Friday the 13th-7 things brings bad luck and poverty


Black Cats to Friday the 13th-7 things brings bad luck and poverty

Superstition-based beliefs about certain activities causing bad luck differ by culture and person. Others may not consider ill luck or poverty-inducing acts.

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<p>Opening an umbrella indoors is said to bring bad luck in various superstitions.<br />

Opening an Umbrella Indoors

Opening an umbrella indoors is said to bring bad luck in various superstitions.

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<p>In some cultures, accidentally breaking a plate or dish is seen as a sign of impending financial difficulties or bad luck.<br />

Breaking a Plate or Dish

In some cultures, accidentally breaking a plate or dish is seen as a sign of impending financial difficulties or bad luck.

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<p>The belief that a ladder standing against a wall creates a triangle, symbolising the Holy Trinity, and destroying it was irreverent may have inspired this superstition.</p>

Walking Under a Ladder

The belief that a ladder standing against a wall creates a triangle, symbolising the Holy Trinity, and destroying it was irreverent may have inspired this superstition.

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Friday the 13th

In many Western cultures, Friday the 13th is considered an unlucky day, leading to various superstitions and avoidance behaviors.

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Black Cats

In some cultures, black cats are associated with bad luck or evil. Crossing paths with a black cat is believed to bring misfortune.

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Breaking a Mirror

In some cultures, breaking a mirror is believed to bring seven years of bad luck.

Image credits: Getty

Sweeping at Night

Sweeping the house at night is considered unlucky in some cultures, as it is believed to sweep away good fortune.

Image credits: Getty

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