
7 ways to get rid of morning headaches

Experiencing a morning headache can lead to feelings of irritability and a general sense of lethargy throughout the day. Here are 7 ways to get rid of morning headaches.

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Dehydration can cause serious headaches. So start your day by drinking one or two glass of water. 

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Sleep Environment

Sleep in quiet and dark environment. Use comfortable mattresses and pillows to improve sleep quality reducing the likelihood of morning headaches.

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Wake Up Slowly

Avoid jumping off the bed quickly. Get up slowly and gently from the bed, which ensures that your system doesn't recieve shock from sudden awakening.

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Caffeine from tea and coffee can help cure morning headaches. But don't overdo it, as excessive caffeine can cause anxiety.

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Light stretching exercises of shoulder and neck can also help reduce tension in muscles which maybe the cause of morning headaches.

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Alcohol and Smoking

Avoid excessive alcohol or smoking, as these things can be a cause of morning headaches.

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Consider using essential oils which can help alleviate headaches. Aroma from oils like lavender or peppermint can provide a soothing effect when applied on the head.

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