
6 important hygiene things to do after your gym session

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Take a shower after your workout to remove sweat, bacteria, and any potential allergens from your skin. Use a mild, antibacterial soap and clean your underarms, feet, and groin.

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Change into Clean Clothes

Swap your sweaty workout attire for clean, dry clothes to prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi. Choose moisture-wicking fabrics to help keep your skin dry and comfortable.

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Clean and Dry Your Workout Gear

Ensure your gym bag and any accessories, like resistance bands or yoga mats, are clean and dry to prevent the buildup of bacteria and odors.

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Rehydrate by drinking water to replace fluids lost during your workout. Proper hydration helps flush out toxins and supports overall bodily functions.

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Personal Grooming

Brush your teeth to combat post-workout breath. Use deodorant to control body odor, especially if you're heading to work or social activities after your gym session. 

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Stretch and Cool Down

Spend a few minutes stretching to help prevent stiffness and improve flexibility. Cooling down properly can also aid in reducing muscle soreness.

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