Thousands of people visit Vrindavan's Premanand Maharaj daily with their problems. Baba immediately answers all their queries, relieving their anxieties.
Premanand Baba also gives life management tips in his discourses. He said that to be successful in life, one must especially take care of 4 things. Know what these 4 things are...
According to Premanand Maharaj, it is very important to follow Brahmacharya to achieve any goal in life. This gives us the inspiration and strength to always move forward in life.
According to Premanand Baba, one should eat only as much as the body needs. Eating too much makes the body lazy and fat. Such people can never achieve their goals.
According to Premanand Maharaj, a person who speaks more than necessary continues to have problems in life, so speak as little as possible. Speaking too much also wastes energy.
According to Premanand Maharaj, the life of those who sleep more is wasted, their body gets used to rest and they do not get anything even if they want to. So it should be less.