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Saif Ali Khan has a SECRET Instagram account? Here's what we know

Saif Ali Khan recently shared his perspective on social media, disclosing his use of a private Instagram account

Image credits: KareenaKapoor/Instagram

Saif Ali Khan

Saif Ali Khan avoids official social media, opting for privacy. He mentioned using a secret Instagram account in an interview

Image credits: KareenaKapoor/Instagram

Secret Instagram?

He revealed his secret Instagram use during a recent interview, emphasizing his preference for privacy over a public presence

Image credits: Instagram

Saif Ali Khan on Social Media

Khan finds browsing social media less enjoyable, despite having a secret Instagram account that he occasionally checks

Image credits: Instagram

Saif Ali Khan

He appreciates not being pressured to promote brands or post content, enjoying the freedom that comes with avoiding official social media platforms

Image credits: Instagram

Saif Ali Khan

Saif values the peace of not being a social media influencer, highlighting his contentment with a less public lifestyle

Image credits: Instagram

Prefers privacy

He acknowledges the entertainment value of social media but maintains his stance on privacy and personal choice

Image credits: Instagram

Saif Ali Khan

Khan respects others' enjoyment of social media but prefers to prioritize his privacy and personal preferences over maintaining a public online presence

Image credits: Instagram
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