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Rekha skipped Amitabh Bachchan's name during Filmfare award acceptance

The alleged affair between Bollywood icons Amitabh Bachchan and Rekha continues to fascinate. Rekha's 2003 Lifetime Achievement Award speech notably omitted Amitabh

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The alleged affair between Amitabh Bachchan and Rekha reportedly began during the filming of 'Do Anjaane,' while Amitabh was married to Jaya Bhaduri

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Rekha's alleged affair with Amitabh

Rekha was often labeled as the 'other woman' and a homebreaker, as rumors suggested she caused friction between Amitabh and Jaya

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Rekha, Amitabh

Despite their rumored relationship, Rekha, Amitabh maintained a complicated public presence, marked by noticeable tension and intrigue whenever they appeared together

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2003 Filmfare Award

In her 2003 Filmfare Lifetime Achievement Award speech, Rekha thanked many individuals but notably omitted Amitabh's name, drawing significant attention from the audience

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Omitted Amitabh's name

Rekha's omission of Amitabh in her speech was seen as a deliberate act, highlighting the unresolved and complex nature of their relationship

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Rekha, Amitabh

Rekha's 1984 interview shed light on her understanding of Amitabh's public denial of their relationship, attributing his actions to his desire to save family reputation

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Rekha, Amitabh

Rekha expressed acceptance of Amitabh's public stance, emphasizing her continued love for him and recognizing his traditional values and efforts to avoid causing harm

Image credits: MovieStill
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