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'Kalki 2898 AD': A look into Deepika Padukone's Sumathi character

Image credits: Instagram

'Kalki 2898 AD'

The film 'Kalki 2898 AD', the most awaited and highly anticipated film has been released today.

Image credits: Instagram

Deepika Padukone's role

Deepika Padukone plays SUM-80, or Sumathi which is the lead female role.

Image credits: instagram

Deepika Padukone's role

In the film, Deepika's character is pregnant with a child who will become the nemesis of the world's dark forces.

Image credits: YouTube stills

Deepika Padukone's role

Amitabh Bachchan informs Deepika Padukone that she carries a "god" in her womb. 

Image credits: YouTube stills

Deepika Padukone's role

It is implied that this child would defeat the supreme leader Yaskin, who has taken over Kashi. 

Image credits: YouTube stills

Deepika Padukone's role

Deepika Padukone plays to-be mothers role which is the main. 

Image credits: YouTube stills
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