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Smriti Mandhana's top 7 inspiring quotes on balancing life and growth

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On Balancing Cricket and Studies

"My parents always emphasized the importance of education alongside my cricket career. It was tough, but I learned to manage my time and give my best to both."

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On Overcoming Challenges

"Challenges are a part of every athlete's journey. It's about how you overcome them that defines your success."

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On the Growth of Women's Cricket

"The growth of women's cricket in recent years has been phenomenal. It's heartening to see more girls taking up the sport and dreaming big."

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On Being a Role Model

"As cricketers, we have the power to inspire the next generation. I take this responsibility seriously and always strive to set a good example."

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On Her Love for Cricket

"Cricket has been my passion since childhood. I feel blessed to have made a career out of something I love so much."

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On Team Spirit

"Cricket is a team sport, and success is sweeter when you achieve it together. The camaraderie and support within the team are crucial."

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On Personal Growth

"Every match, every inning teaches you something new. I'm constantly learning and evolving as a cricketer and a person."

Image credits: insta
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