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Shane Watson turns 43: Top 10 quotes by the Australian cricket legend

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Being in the Moment

"I love being in the moment and being able to perform at my best in the biggest situations."

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Peak Performance

"When you're performing at your best, there's no better feeling."

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Seizing Opportunities

"It's about making the most of the opportunities and challenges that come my way."

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Enjoying the Journey

"I'm a big believer in making sure that you enjoy the journey."

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Learning from Experience

"I think experience always helps you in some way. You're able to learn from your mistakes and you understand yourself better."

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Hard Work and Success

"If you want to achieve something special, you've got to put the work in."

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Moving Past Failures

"I've never been the type of person who dwells on failures."

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Contributing to Success

"There's no better feeling than being able to contribute to your team's success."

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Adaptability in Cricket

"In cricket, you need to be adaptable and make adjustments all the time."

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Learning from Great Players

"I've been really fortunate to play with some amazing players and learn a lot from them."

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