Happy Birthday Sarah Taylor: Top 10 quotes by the former England star

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Believe in Yourself, Always

"You have to be confident in what you do, and believe in what you do, otherwise you shouldn’t be doing it."

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Cricketer First, Gender Second

"I just like to be known as a cricketer. I’m a cricketer that happens to be a girl."

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Self-Acceptance: Key to Success

"I’ve got to be happy with who I am, otherwise it’s going to be a very tough career."

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Embrace Emotions for Better Performance"

"I’m a better cricketer when I’m not afraid to show my emotions."

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Strength in Mind: Essential for Female Cricketers

"You’ve got to be pretty mentally strong to be a female cricketer."

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Pioneering Women's Cricket on TV

"People are still getting used to seeing females on TV playing cricket, and you don’t want to mess up for the cause."

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"I think it’s about time females playing cricket got the recognition they deserve."

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Hard Work Beats Talent

"I’m the first to admit that I’m not the most talented cricketer out there. But I will be the hardest-working."

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Vulnerability as a Strength

"I’m not scared to have weaknesses and show them."

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Confidence Without Arrogance

"I believe I can be the best in the world, and I think that’s something I can say without being arrogant."

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