'Covid has a rude behaviour; We cannot lower guard at least till December'

Speaking exclusively to Asianet Newsable, Karnataka Covid-19 task force member Dr CN Manjunath said that the decision would also help build confidence among parents of lower grade students and prompt them to send their children to school when the decision is taken. 

yacoob md  | Published: Aug 26, 2021, 6:46 PM IST

Low positivity rate, low death rate and a drastic reduction in ICU admissions in hospitals -- these are the three main reasons why the Karnataka government decided to reopen schools from standard nine to 12th.

Speaking exclusively to Asianet Newsable, Karnataka Covid-19 task force member Dr CN Manjunath said that the decision would also help build confidence among parents of lower grade students and prompt them to send their children to school when the decision is taken. 

He also highlighted that the serosurvey done on children in many states has indicated that over 50 per cent were already exposed to the virus and feels this may offer some immunity among children.

However, Dr Manjunath, who is a heart specialist and also director of Jayadeva Hospital in Bengaluru, warned that the Coronavirus is known for its rude behaviour and people should not be complacent and lower their guard at least till December as the third wave is expected somewhere in September end or beginning of October.

Watch this exclusive interview for more...