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Check out the most popular iPhone model; Apple CEO Tim Cook reveals

Apple had its Q2 2021 earnings call, and CEO Tim Cook has given very impressive numbers. And during the call, he revealed the most popular iPhone model.

Check out the most popular iPhone model; Apple CEO Tim Cook reveals ANK
Bangalore, First Published Apr 29, 2021, 10:28 AM IST

Tim Cook revealed, "Of the iPhone 12 family, or more broadly all iPhones, the iPhone 12 is the most popular." Having said that, Apple CEO also mentioned that other models are also not doing badly. He further mentioned, "But we did see very strong sales of the Pro portion of the family as well, the Pro, plus the Pro Max."

Tim Cook has given a good amount of numbers for the first time iPhones users and the people who upgraded their models. He said, "We saw double-digit increases on a year-over-year basis on both the new-to-iPhone and upgraders."

Cook further revealed that the top 5 models of smartphones are doing rounds in the US, the top-selling and top two in Urban China, four out of the top 5 in Japan, top 4 in the UK and top 6 in Australia.

The revenue record stood at $89.6 billion, which was 54% compared to last year. From iPhone, Apple collected revenue of about $47.9 billion. Well, iPhone 12's this is the second quarter, and sure it has its magic among the users.

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