Legendary actor Rajkumar in Marathi textbooks. Peace offering?

Karnataka and Maharashtra have almost never seen eye to eye. There has been never-ending friction between the two states on border issues, river water distribution, linguistic problems, and what not. But surprisingly, the Maharashtra government has initiated something which, for a change, has warmed the hearts of Kannadigas.
It has prescribed a short biography of Kannada film star Dr Rajkumar in its high school text books. It has come quite as a surprise to Kannadigas, because so far even the Karnataka government has not thought of introducing Dr Rajkumar in its text books.
The Maharashtra State Textbook and Syllabus Research Board has prescribed a short life sketch of the legendary actor titled Nata Sarvabhauma comprising five pages for its standard VIII students.
Nata Sarvabhauma narrates the details of Dr Rajkumar’s birth, childhood, achievements, awards and his contribution to the Kannada culture.