Weight loss tip 101: Want to lose weight? So just sleep and STOP stressing
Loveneet Batra, an award-winning nutritionist, talks about the importance of sleep in the weight-loss process.
If you aim to reduce weight, you could stick to a diet, exercise regularly, or run a lot. But did you know that getting enough sleep is also an essential aspect of losing weight?
Award-winning nutritionist Loveneet Batra talks about how sleep is essential for weight loss. She posted a video on Instagram with the text – “Looking for the simplest weight-loss hack?… Don’t ever compromise on your sleep quality.”
Loveneet explained it in the caption, suggesting sleep is like nutrition for the brain. She then went on to say that if the aim for someone wants to lose weight, skipping sleep was “like pocking sticks in your bicycle wheels.”
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The following are the consequences of getting less sleep:
Cortisol (the stress hormone) levels might rise if you don't get enough sleep, producing greater tension and boosting appetite.
It can also obstruct the body's ability to absorb carbs, leading blood sugar levels to rise and fat deposits to form! It can lower leptin hormone levels, making you want more carbs and leading to poor eating habits and weight gain.
It may also result in a decrease in growth hormones. These hormones aid in the maintenance of fat-muscle proportions.
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This is how the dietitian explained how a lack of sleep leads to poor food choices, increased carbohydrate intake, and decreased physical activity, all of which contribute to weight gain.
Due to these reasons, Loveleen suggests sleeping at least 7 hours every night to achieve weight loss and health management. Other than that, she also suggested fixing your sleep schedule, avoiding blue light 1 hour before you go to sleep and using relation techniques like reading, meditating and having chamomile tea to have a sound sleep.
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