Know how is obesity linked with male fertility? Here are some tips to reduce your BMI
We spoke to Dr. Apurva Satish Amarnath, Fertility Consultant at Nova IVF Fertility, Kalyan Nagar, Bangalore, who told us how obesity in men affects their reproductive system.
Obesity has become widespread owing to the rise in our sedentary lifestyle. We all are aware that obesity can lead to severe consequences for our health and yet we often choose to ignore our unhealthy diet and lifestyle.
Yes, obesity can negatively affect our overall health, but do you know that obese couples often suffer from fertility issues, making it difficult for them to conceive? Men who exceed a healthy number of pounds are more vulnerable to male infertility. The link between obesity and male infertility can be a bit difficult to digest at first. Let's take a deeper look at how it affects your reproductive system.
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How is obesity linked with male fertility: -
Let's look at how being obese can affect your chances of healthy conception -
Low sperm count - A higher body mass index or BMI is associated with low sperm count. Such factors can also reduce to quality of the sperm in terms of movement and speed, making it difficult for it to fuse with the egg. Low-quality sperm will also make a low-quality embryo or can lead to miscarriage in the worst cases.
Hormonal imbalance - Obesity can cause hormonal imbalance in males and it's a no-brainer that hormones play an important role in reproduction. Obesity can reduce the male hormone testosterone in the male body, which can affect the quality and quantity of sperm produced in the body.
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Optimum temperature - Generally, the scrotum needs to be at a cooler temperature to function efficiently. In obese men, the scrotum is generally surrounded by other body tissues. And because of it the temperature rises, making it difficult for it to work efficiently and produce quality sperms.
Conclusion –
We need to look for the factors that are affecting your chances. Obesity is one such factor that affects your reproductive and your overall health, whereas lot of couples find it difficult to conceive even after numerous attempts. Fortunately, it's not difficult to keep it under control. Sometimes you don't even have to start with a hectic workout schedule, you can make positive impacts through minor diet and lifestyle changes. People can lose pounds by following a healthy diet and regular exercise. And it has been seen that couples can conceive quickly after they lower their BMI. A healthy lifestyle will also ensure your physical and mental health is in check.