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Improve your Financial Status using Astrology

In Astrology, the second house is called the dhan bhava in a horoscope. As evident from the name itself it is the main house of wealth in Astrology/horoscope.

Improve your Financial Status using Astrology
India, First Published Apr 26, 2022, 5:17 PM IST

Don't get pampered when more money comes become vigilant. Money is the foremost need of everyone, and most of our daily activities are focused on gaining or saving more wealth. But getting money and maintaining financial status are two different things. This page is significant for you if you understand this precise difference between money in flow and your financial status/financial health. Many make money but still have a poor financial status; on the contrary, some getting less money also enjoy good financial status. It is common to see disparities in financial status amongst people, and we tag the richer lot as the lucky ones. You discuss about money in your horoscope, and generally astrologers will talk about the 2nd house, 11th house, Dhan Yoga, etc.

But can you manage your financial status without considering the 12th house or 5th house, which need to be equally supportive to make your money earned to improve your financial status? That is where astrology can help you improve your financial status through your horoscope. In Astrology, it is possible to predict a person's financial status right on the day one is born through a kundli analysis. How wealthy would a person be? What his financial status will be? Will he face money crunches in life? The reply to all such questions lies imbibed in your birth chart for financial status of the person. It is relieving to know that after realizing any problems related to our finance or financial position, we can always overcome them with the help of the right astrological guidance and remedies. Let's understand how Astrology may help you gain riches in life.     

Which house controls money

In Astrology, the second house is called the dhan bhava in a horoscope. As evident from the name itself it is the main house of wealth in Astrology/horoscope. Apart from the second house, the eleventh house, called the labha bhava is also important for gaining wealth and income. These two are prime house seen for financial gains/wealth. Any native with a strong and benefic influence on these two houses bestows great wealth. If there is any connection between the second and eleventh houses or their lords, then the native is known to possess huge wealth in life. However, it is important to remember the desh, kaal, paatra as prescribed in Astrology. It means the quantum and terminology of huge wealth are different for a high-class and a lower-class person. The amount of money that is huge for a lower-class person may be a meager amount for a person belonging to a high-class society. However, nothing comes in isolation in Astrology, and a full chart analysis is needed to know which house is for money in your horoscope as money may come from various resources.  

Combinations for money in birth chart

Now understand what combinations of money/wealth in a horoscope makes a person have good financial status. 

1. Any relation through placement, aspect, and conjunction between the second and eleventh houses or their lords gives huge wealth to the native.

2. If someone wishes to know which planet is responsible for wealth? Then we focus on the Sun and Jupiter. They are considered karaka of wealth in Astrology, and if they are well placed in the horoscope, the native is wealthy.

3. Similarly, the Moon and Jupiter axis form a wealthy yoga called Gajkesari Yoga; this yoga is to bring riches and wealth to an individual.

4. The impact of the Moon and Venus on the 5th house also indicates great wealth in that person's life.

5. In all, there are hundreds of Dhan yogas as prescribed in Astrological texts, and a few prominent wealth-creating Yogas in a finance horoscope are: DhanYoga, Vidhyuta yoga, Chandradhi yoga, AkandSamrajya yoga, Kusuma Yoga, Parvata Yoga, Trilochana Yoga, and VasumanYoga.  

Astrological help to overcome financial problems

There are certain duryogas or bad combinations prescribed for lack or absence of wealth in Astrological texts. For example, rajbhang yoga, kemdrum yoga, and shakat yoga are known to bring unstable and miserable financial conditions. These yogas also cause a person to take loans and debts if they have any connection with the sixth house or afflicted Mars. The native with any malefic placement or influence of planets finds it difficult to maintain a healthy and strong financial status. In such a situation, astrological guidance can prove a boon for you. A thorough and careful analysis of your kundli may reveal any of these negative combinations for wealth. Then an astrologer may suggest effective remedies to overcome financial troubles in life. 

How can I increase my wealth using birth chart

This is a commonly asked question as to how can I increase my wealth. Can astrology help increase my wealth/financial status? Here comes the point you are interested in increasing wealth using birth chart or simply want to earn money. That is where one should not get pampered, seeing a good 2nd or 11th house seen for money. Equally important is to get your 12th house analysed if you will not lose the money due to excessive worldly expenses, sudden losses, hospitalization, secret enemies, and similar traits. Or if the 5th house will not drift you towards indulging in speculative moves. One should become vigilant and thank the 2nd and 11th house for earning and getting good results. But also learn to keep your house of losses as explained to keep good financial status using your birth chart. Do not just focus on building the house (money inflow) but learn to keep it intact (save on losses). Learn what does your finance horoscope says. Any specific issues, call my office on +91 9278555588/9278665588.

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