Guru Purnima 2023: Wishes, messages, greetings, quotes and status for Facebook/WhatsApp to share
Happy Guru Purnima 2023: Guru Purnima will be observed on July 13 this year. Send these greetings and messages to your family, friends, relatives and colleagues and express how much their presence in your life means to you.

Guru Purnima is a prominent event observed throughout India and Nepal to recognise and thank one's spiritual and intellectual mentors or gurus. According to the traditional Hindu calendar, it occurs on the full moon day (Purnima) of the Hindu month of Ashadha (June-July). It will be observed this year on Monday, July 3. In Sanskrit, the word "guru" implies "teacher" or "spiritual guide." Guru Purnima is a significant event in Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist traditions, where pupils honour and appreciate their gurus for their guidance and knowledge. Gurus are essential in moulding an individual's life by giving information, values, and spiritual advice.
Happy Guru Purnima 2023: Quotes
1. “Gurus are like candles who burn themselves to give light to others." - Swami Vivekananda
2. “A true teacher inspires and guides, ignites curiosity, and opens doors to knowledge and self-discovery." - Unknown
3. “The greatest gift a guru can give is awakening the seeker’s own inner guru." - Mooji
4. “A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love for learning." - Brad Henry
5. “A guru is not someone who holds a torch for you. They are the torch." - Sadhguru
6. “There are two kinds of teachers: the kind that fill you with so much quail shot that you can't move, and the kind that just gives you a little prod behind and you jump to the skies.” ― Robert Frost
7. “They inspire you, they entertain you, and you end up learning a ton even when you don't know it” ― Nicholas Sparks, Dear John
8. “You can't stop a teacher when they want to do something. They just do it.” ― J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye
9. “What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches.” ― Karl Menninger
Happy Guru Purnima 2023: Wishes, messages and greetings
1. On this auspicious day of Guru Purnima, I bow down to my gurus and express my heartfelt gratitude for their guidance and wisdom. Happy Guru Purnima!
2. May the light of knowledge and the blessings of your gurus illuminate your path and lead you to success and happiness. Wishing you a joyous Guru Purnima!
3. Today, I honor and thank all the teachers and gurus who have shaped my life and guided me towards the right path. Happy Guru Purnima!
4. On the occasion of Guru Purnima, I extend my deepest respect and gratitude to all the teachers who have inspired me and instilled in me the love for learning. Thank you for being my guiding light!
5. May the divine blessings of your gurus empower you with knowledge, wisdom, and inner peace. Happy Guru Purnima to you and your loved ones!