Troubled by Cold Hands and Feet in Winter? Do these 8 Yoga Asanas

During winter, many people struggle with the problem of cold hands and feet all the time.  In such a situation, if you also want to get rid of this problem, then you can do some yoga. Body heat can be increased by the regular practice of yoga.

8 Yoga Asanas for Cold Hands and Feet in Winter

Some people do not like winter. Are you also one of them? During winter, many people struggle with the problem of cold hands and feet all the time. Whether they wear socks or gloves, they do not get any relief. Such a situation troubles them. In such a situation, if you also want to get rid of this problem, then you can do some yoga. Body heat can be increased by the regular practice of yoga. Today, we will learn about some yoga postures with the help of which you can keep your hands and feet warm in the cold.

1) Baddhakonasana Yoga: Baddhakonasana yoga keeps the body warm. To do this asana, bring the soles of the feet together, and then bring the knees outwards and take a deep breath. After repeating this asana two or three times, you will feel warmth in your hands and feet.

2) Shavasana Yoga Pose: If Shavasana Yoga posture is done correctly then heat is maintained in the body. First of all, lie down on your back, take a deep breath, and relax your body. You should use a sheet when you feel cold.

3) Paschimottanasana Yoga : Sitting straight in Paschimottanasana, bend near the feet and try to touch your feet with your hands. It calms the nervous system and increases heat in the body.

4) Utkatasana Yoga: Utkatasana strengthens the muscles of the legs and provides warmth to the body. First, try to sit in an imaginary chair and then raise your hands. Doing this increases energy in the body. Due to this, there is a feeling of heat.

5) Anjaneyasana Yoga: Anjaneyasana opens the hips and strengthens the muscles of the legs. First of all, concentrate by keeping your feet on the ground. By doing this, blood circulation in the feet increases and warmth is felt.
6) Balasana Yoga: Balasana is the best asana for those who are doing yoga for the first time. This is very easy. First of all, bend forward on your knees and stretch your hands in front with strength. By doing this, cold hands and feet remain warm.
7) Virabhadrasana Yoga: To do Virabhadrasana, raise your hands upwards while putting pressure on the feet. This asana increases blood circulation and feels warm in the lower part of the body.
8) Tadasana Yoga : To do Tadasana, keep your feet firmly on the ground and raise your hands upward. Try to maintain balance. This improves energy flow in the body and maintains heat in the body.

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