Future is tense, but PM Modi is like 'fire', predict astrologers
- PM Modi's horoscope indicates that his life, and his future, will be fiery.
- His zodiacal sign matches with that of Draupadi from the Mahabharata
- Astrologers say the PM will face tensions from across borders during the eclipse.

With three days to go for 'Amavasya' (new moon day) and two eclipses in August, noted astrologer Dr SK Jain says Prime Minister Narendra Modi should probably avoid taking any decision about border disputes.
Jain termed PM Modi as a 'powerful fire' since he was born at 11:11 AM - which is called as 'Chandra Dasha' and matches with 'Draupadi'.
"Modi's birth sign matches with Hindu mythological character Draupadi who was born out of the fire. Hence Modi is mighty. His good times escalated to a new level in 2011 October and will continue till October 2021. Although he will face challenges and come out victorious, he will have to be watchful as he may face new challenges from the Indian border," said Dr Jain.
His Zodiac sign is Scorpio, which is ruled by Mars, Dr Jain says. This means any friction caused by his adversaries will see a reaction. China is aware of India's growing economy and hence may cause conflict, Jain adds.
"Although Modi is capable of waging war, as he has military and nuclear capabilities, he will use his diplomatic skills and gain world leaders support. War is not a solution anywhere in the world now," pointed out Dr Jain.
Agreeing with Dr Jain, noted astrologer Daivagna Somayaji KN said, "Yes there will be some tensions across borders during such time but this will not cause much impact. PM Modi will not take important decisions at this time,"
He further added that in the coming month of August, there will be two eclipses - a lunar eclipse on August 7 and a solar eclipse on August 22.
Travelling, meeting people, inviting global leaders for business related-talks and taking any decision - especially related to international affairs and border disputes - will not be favourable, predicts Somayaji.
When asked, based on Modi's horoscope, about tensions in the Karnataka BJP unit, Dr Jain said, "It will have an impact and cause some worry. But the individual leaders from Karnataka aspiring for the coveted posts will also matter, and a study on this will be shortly conducted,"