Bengaluru techie's suicide note reveals heartbreaking final wishes; #JusticeforAtulSubhash trends on X

Atul Subhash, a 34-year-old techie from Uttar Pradesh, took his life, leaving behind a death note and video revealing abuse by his wife and her family. His final wishes demand justice, a fair trial, and maximum punishment for those responsible. #JusticeforAtulSubhash has since gained nationwide attention.

Bengaluru techie's suicide note reveals heartbreaking final wishes; #JusticeforAtulSubhash trends on Platform X

A tragic incident has shocked the nation as 34-year-old Atul Subhash, a techie from Uttar Pradesh, took his own life, leaving behind a 24-page death note and an hour-long video detailing the mental and emotional abuse he endured. His final wishes, which have sparked a nationwide conversation about the justice system, have become a focal point of the #JusticeforAtulSubhash movement.

Atul Subhash, who had been facing continuous harassment from his wife and her family, poured out his pain in his last letter. In the heart-wrenching death note, he addresses his son, shares his despair, and expresses his deep wish for justice. His words, now going viral, call for a systemic change in the country’s legal and social frameworks.

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Father's plea to his son

In the emotional letter to his son, Atul writes, "With my death, there is still no money to loot. Now everyone will start seeing the truth in my case. One day, you will also know the real face of your mother and her greedy family." He urges his son not to trust society or the justice system, warning him of the harsh realities that may await. "If my blood is in you, you must live, love, and fight. You must build your beauty with your heart," Atul writes, a testament to his desire for his son to remain strong despite the painful circumstances.

Atul’s final words to his son reflect his hopes for him to lead a life full of pride and self-confidence, without being swayed by external influences like socialism or corruption. His heartfelt message resonates deeply with many, and the online support for his cause continues to grow.

Here are Atul Subhash's specific final wishes outlined in his death note:

1. Live Broadcast of Case Hearings: All my case hearings should be broadcast live so that the public can witness the flaws in our justice system and the exploitation of women in such cases.

2. Video and Death Note as Evidence: The video I have uploaded and the death note should be treated as my official statement and documents.

3. Change of Trial Venue: I believe Judge Rita Kaushik in Uttar Pradesh is corrupt and may influence witnesses or alter documents. I request that my case be moved to Karnataka, where I trust the courts to deliver a fair judgment. I also request that she be placed in police and judicial custody in Bangalore until the trial is over.

4. Custody of My Son: My parents should be entrusted with the care of my son. They will raise him with good values and integrity.

5. No Contact with My Body: My wife and her family should not be allowed near my body for any reason.

6. Preservation of My Remains: My remains should not be disposed of until those who harassed me are punished. If my wife and her family are declared innocent by the court, my remains should be thrown in the drain outside the court.

7. Maximum Punishment for the Culprits: Despite my distrust in the legal system, I request that the maximum punishment be given to those who harassed me. If my wife is not imprisoned, it will set a dangerous precedent, encouraging others to make false accusations.

8. Protection for My Family: I urge the judiciary to stop harassing my parents and brother with the false case filed by my wife and her family.

9. No Compromise or Negotiation: There should be no compromise, settlement, or negotiation with my wife and her family. The culprits must be held accountable and punished.

10. No Withdrawal of Case: My wife should not be allowed to withdraw the case in an attempt to avoid punishment. She must publicly admit that I filed a false case against her.

11. Prevention of Sympathy Drama: I suspect my wife will bring my son to court to seek sympathy. She did not do this before, and she intended to keep me from seeing my son. I request that the court prevent this from happening.

12. Request for Euthanasia for My Parents: If the harassment from my wife’s family continues, I ask that my elderly parents petition the court for euthanasia. The current state of India’s justice system is creating a dark era for all husbands and parents, and it should be addressed.

Atul’s death note also includes urgent demands for change, stating that if his wife is not imprisoned for the harassment, it would encourage others to make false accusations in the future. He urges the judiciary to stop harassing his family and demands the maximum punishment for those responsible for his suffering. 

'Ex-wife filed 9 cases...': Bengaluru techie's viral video reveals emotional struggles before suicide (WATCH)

Since Atul’s death, #JusticeforAtulSubhash has become a trending topic on social media, with people rallying behind his cause and demanding justice for him and others who face similar circumstances. His story has drawn attention to the issues of domestic abuse, legal corruption, and the challenges that men face in seeking justice.

(If you or someone you know is experiencing thoughts of self-harm or suicide, please reach out for support. Contact Sneha Foundation at 044-24640050, Tele Manas at 14416, or the Tata Institute of Social Sciences helpline at 022-25521111.)

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