New materials and services that feature in the GST-revised list

  • There are 29 items and 54 services freed or lowered from the burden of GST
  • The new rates will be applicable from January 25
  • Here is the complete list of materials freed from GST as well as recommended for a good cut
New materials and services that feature in the GST revised list

The new GST-free list is here. There are 29 items and 54 services freed from the burden of GST. Now you can not only buy small items like vibhuti, free of GST price, but also possess diamond sets for as less as 0.25 % GST. The new rates will be applicable from January 25.

Here is the complete list of materials, services that feature in the revised GST section.

Goods, services with no GST


Parts and accessories for the manufacture of hearing aids

De-oiled rice bran

GST recommended for up to 5 % GST

Rice bran (other than de-oiled rice bran)

Diamonds and precious stones (from 3% to 0.25%)


Reduced from 12% to 5 % GST

Velvet fabric

Articles of straw, of esparto or other plaiting materials; basket-ware and wickerwork


Reduced from 18% to 5 % GST

Tamarind Kernel Powder

Mehendi paste in cones

LPG supplied to domestic household consumers by private distributors

Scientific and technical instruments, apparatus, equipment, accessories, parts, components, spares, tools, mock-ups and modules, raw material and consumables required for launch vehicles and satellites and payloads.


Reduced from 18% to 12 % GST

Sugar boiled confectionary

Drinking water packed in 20 litre bottles

Fertiliser grade Phosphoric acid

Bamboo wood building joinery

Drip irrigation system including laterals, sprinklers

Mechanical Sprayer


The following Bio-pesticides: Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis; Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki; Bacillus thuringiensis var. galleriae; Bacillus sphaericus; Trichoderma viride; Trichoderma harzianum; Pseudomonas fluoresens; Beauveriabassiana; NPV of Helicoverpaarmigera; NPV of Spodopteralitura; Neem based pesticides; Cymbopogan


Reduced from 28 % to 18 % GST

Old and used medium, large cars and SUVs

Buses, for use in public transport, running on bio-fuels

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