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Attention Mumbaikars! Just show your inked finger to enjoy discounts at restaurants on THESE dates

The "Pledge to Vote" campaign, spearheaded by the Hotel and Restaurant Association (Western India), has rallied several eateries across Maharashtra to join the cause. The venues are set to provide a 10-20% discount to customers who present the indelible ink mark on their fingers after voting.

Attention Mumbaikars! Just show your inked finger to enjoy discounts at restaurants on THESE dates AJR
First Published May 15, 2024, 9:47 AM IST

Ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, that is all set to unfold across Maharashtra in phase 5, restaurants and eateries in Mumbai are stepping up to encourage voter participation by offering discounts to customers who cast their vote.

Under initiatives like "Pledge to Vote" and "Democracy Discount," voters can avail special deals at different dining establishments in the city on May 20 and May 21.

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The "Pledge to Vote" campaign, spearheaded by the Hotel and Restaurant Association (Western India), has rallied several eateries across Maharashtra to join the cause. The venues are set to provide a 10-20% discount to customers who present the indelible ink mark on their fingers after voting.

Additionally, selected hotels and restaurants in Mumbai will offer a 20% discount on dine-in bills exclusively for local voters on the specified dates.

The initiative, launched by the National Restaurant Association of India, aims to leverage the hospitality sector's influence to drive voter engagement. Key constituencies in Maharashtra, including Mumbai, Palghar, Kalyan, and Thane, are scheduled for polling on May 20.

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Expressing enthusiasm for the campaign, Rachel Goenka, Head of NRAI's Mumbai Chapter, stressed Mumbai's strong community spirit and hailed the participation of several renowned brands in the initiative.

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