Avoid THESE food items for kids during winter to boost immunity and health
Parenting Tips: This article discusses which foods to avoid and which to offer children during winter.

Winter is a time when various infectious diseases spread. Children are particularly prone to colds, coughs, and fevers during this season. Therefore, it is very important to protect children from such problems. Special attention should be paid to everything from children's physical activity to healthy food. Prioritizing giving children a balanced and nutritious diet during this season helps keep them healthy.
It is good to give children more nutrient-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. But avoid giving children processed foods, milk and sugar products, and heavy foods. So, what kind of foods should you not give your children this winter? Let's see in this post what foods to give and what not to give.
It is best to avoid giving meat to children during winter. Because it is rich in protein. Therefore, giving meat to children in this season can lead to throat problems and other problems. Instead, giving fish can reduce physical risks and help support a strong immune system.
Sugary foods:
Do not give children foods high in sweets such as chocolates, soft drinks, and donuts during winter. Foods high in sugar can lead to a decrease in children's white blood cells. This increases the chances of children getting infected with diseases. So avoid giving sugary foods to keep your kids safe from viral infections this season.
Fried foods:
Fried foods are high in fat and oil, which can be very harmful to children. So keep your kids away from fried foods like samosas and vadas during winter.
Dairy products:
Do not give dairy products like cheese and cream to children during winter. Because they are high in animal protein, they can increase mucus production in children. This can sometimes worsen the child's condition. So reduce giving dairy products to children until the winter is over, and instead give them food suitable for winter.
Moreover, foods like mushrooms, spinach, soy sauce, papaya, fermented foods, yogurt, and pickles should be avoided for children during winter.
What to give?
To keep children healthy during winter, give them fresh fruits, vegetables, almonds, cashews, walnuts, whole grains, and pulses. Also, give them enough water. Along with this, give them some homemade fruit juice.